Hi scrappers! September is here, autumn is upon us, and I for one am thrilled. I’m ready to say goodbye to the summer heat and welcome some brisk winds and fall foliage. Here’s what we’ve been doing on the blog…
On Thursday, Stacey had a fun wild card challenge for you. Go check it out!
On Friday, Helen shared a beautiful desktop calendar freebie with us. Don’t forget to download yours!
On Saturday, Stacey showcased some of my layouts. *blush*
And on Sunday, Shilo brought us out Special Request Sunday. Make sure to enter for your chance to win a free kit of your choice.
Until next time, happy scrapping!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps