Hey Stars fans, you are lucky because today I’m going to show you fun scrapbook layouts with the Trixie Scraps Stars. I will admit I love to laugh, and when I was deciding on what layouts to show you, there were a couple that made me laugh, so I thought those would be fun to show you.
Layouts by Mary Kate
When I see a photo/layout of someone really laughing, it makes me happy. When I saw Whoever is Happy by Mary Kate, I couldn’t help but giggle. That laughing photo is just the best. I really like that she kept the layout simple to really let the photo shine. She is using the kit A Life That’s Good, which has awesome colors and is perfect for so many different types of layouts.

Layout by Mary Kate
I found a second layout by Mary Kate that made me laugh. The Donut Cake was just too funny. I love that her daughter looks all sweet and then there is a photo of her shoving a donut in her mouth. What a fun tradition to start in her family, I think I want a donut cake this year. She used the kit It’s Her Birthday which is perfect for girl birthday pages, well really any girl page.

Layout By Mary Kate
Layout by Carrin
I have to admit there are very few of Carrin’s layouts that I don’t love, but the photos on this one just made me laugh. Those silly faces are just hard to resist. I love all the layers she created and how she used the pencil border. The kit is Apples for Teacher, which is packed with great things for school layouts and the colors are awesome.

Layout by Carrin
Layout by Shilo
Ok my last layout for today is done by Shilo and the photos are just too funny. I think the title “Wild Hair” says it all, and the word art fits perfectly. I love the flow down the page she created with the curves. The kit she used is Blue Jean Boy, which is great for all kinds of layouts, and a perfect choice for this one.

Layout by Shilo
I hope you enjoyed these layout as much as I did. And always remember if you need inspriation head over to the Stars CT Gallery, because it is packed with great layouts. I know I always enjoy browsing through those layouts.