Happy Wednesday, Trixie Scraps fans! Jennifer here, and I’m ready to share a little Wednesday Wisdom with you.
The Quote
“The difference between try and triumph is a little umph.” ― Marvin Phillips
We’ve all had something in our lives that required a little extra effort to accomplish. Something that required a little more blood, sweat and/or tears than we might have initially thought. My youngest son has been waiting for months to have the opportunity to try to start a campfire. He tried earlier in the year but didn’t have the technique down, and big brother was looking over his shoulder just waiting for his chance to take over. Finally, it was his opportunity. No big brother around. No pressure, and plenty of patient guidance. And TRIUMPH! It took a few tries, but, boy, was he proud of himself. He had to work at it, but he got several fires lit over the weekend, and was all too eager to tell big brother all about his success.

Page by Scrap Star Jennifer
I used the aptly named Triumphant kit and collection by Trixie Scraps for my page.
Now I challenge you to create a page documenting something that took a little extra ‘umph’ to create TRIUMPH! Maybe it’s getting across the finish line at a 5k, or getting on base in a Little League game, or getting a good grade on a paper, or losing 10 pounds, or finally just getting those clean piles of laundry put away. Inspire us with your pages and link us up in the comments section. We can’t wait to see what you’re doing!