Hi everyone! Candy here with a trend that I have noticed in the Trixie Scraps Gallery – Framing!
I love frames in kits because they are a really easy way to draw the viewers focus to the photos or even to the journaling in a layout. But frames aren’t the only way to achieve this. You can achieve this look with stacked paper or even photo effects.
Here are a few examples from the gallery:
Splish Splash by jencushing
This one has multiple frames – the patterned paper acts a frame for the entire layout, emphasizing the outside border while the paper under the photos draws the eye into the pictures. The smaller detail picture is them emphasized by a stitched frame.
S’Mores by twinsies
Frames are a great way to break up a cluster of photos. Without these frames the photos, which are similar in their dark colors would all blend together and be more difficult to discern. The frames provide a break in between the photos while also adding texture to the layouts.
Sachsayhuaman by Krispy
This frame is actually a layer effect, called Stroke, available in Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. Adding a stroke to this photo helps put a boundary between the photo and the background which are similar in color. While this stroke is white, it is easy to set your frame as any color to match your layout!
A Caring Troop by Calliclaire
Another example of multiple frames here, but in this case for different reasons. Using paper to frame the focal point of the layout provides a visual break between the journaling/photos and the patterned paper background.
These are just a few examples of framing in layouts and we’d love to see more! Be sure to upload your layouts using Trixie Scraps products to the gallery and link us up so we can see how you use frames.

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Funky Playground
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [04 May 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria