Team Member Since March 2011
With the exception of her baby years, my creative team member Jennifer, grew up, went to college and still lives in Western Michigan. A single mom of two completely adorable boys, she loves the change of seasons, being just 40 minutes or so from Lake Michigan, and having most of her family nearby. Jennifer possesses the kind of strength I truly admire – she is an amazing (and fun!) mom to her boys and loves to go out and do just about anything with them, whether it be playing at the park, exploring museums, biking, going to local festivals, or visiting the local orchards. She also enjoys volunteering at her kids’ school for holiday parties and field trips and serves as a project coordinator at the county youth fair every year.
Outside of scrapbooking, Jennifer loves photography and television (but maybe not in that order). After taking a photography course in college, she was hooked and now loves taking pictures of nature, her kids and extended family. Her to-do list includes taking some time to learn more of the cool features on her latest camera, to hone her photography skills even more!
Jennifer and I share a love of many television shows (and I love chatting about them with her on Facebook)! We both admit we probably watch a bit too much television, but as far as vices go, I think ours is pretty tame, so it’s allowed! Once Jennifer’s boys are in bed, she says that even if she is multitasking, her television is on and she knows what’s happening on her favorite shows. She loves good dramas like Revenge, Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, and can get easily sucked into a Law and Order:CI marathon or other cop dramas like Castle or Motive. She also loves comedies like Modern Family, The Goldbergs, and SNL and her favorite reality shows include Dancing with the Stars and Shark Tank.
Jennifer has been scrapbooking in some form or another since she was a kid. She still owns her old spiral-bound, huge scrapbook with postcards, movie ticket stubs, travel pamphlets, and mementos from vacations and things she did around town. She slowly transitioned to 8-1/2 x 11 books and eventually to 12×12 pages. Of digital scrapbooking specifically, Jennifer loves how many pictures she can get on a page! She says when she used to scrapbook with paper and 4×6 photos, she hated all the manual trimming and matting and trying to squeeze as many huge pictures on a page as she could. With digital scrapbooking, it’s so easy to change the shape of photos, or zoom in and crop them, and arrange many photos on a page. She loves that she can add mats and elements to her layouts without ending up with heavy, bulky pages and being able to resize and edit her journaling is one of the things she loves most! Jennifer’s scrapbooking strength is her ability to capture the complete story – her pages are always filled with plenty of pictures, always have a date and journaling, and just enough elements to add visual interest, but never so much that they detract from the photos or make the page look too busy.
Jennifer hopes to be remembered as someone who was a good mom and devoted friend, as a good listener who was loving, honest, smart and funny. I think she’s doing a great job so far! Here’s a few of her amazing pages made while a member of my creative team. I’m telling you, check out those cute boys of hers!