Welcome to another version of Saturday with the Stars! It’s summer; I have boys; what better kit to feature this week than That’s My Boy
Not only is it great for all kinds of boy-related pages and activities, it has enough neutral colors in it to work for almost any page!! And I just love all the textures in the coordinating cardstocks!
I love this page by Shauna of her little dog:
Helen took advantage of the neutral colors on this page about her daughter and her friend:
Mary Kate’s page about her girls riding tractors is adorable:
And my title says it all – 100% boy!!
We’d love to see your pages using this kit (or any other for that matter!!) so don’t forget to post in them in the Gallery!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps