Hey, all… Trixie checking in with you tonight with a little bit of news and housekeeping. I just wanted to let you know that my store at Gotta Pixel will be closing at the end of business tonight.
It is my hope that this will allow me more time to focus on my personal brand and my own website. I am also hoping that fewer obligations will allow me to establish a better balance between work and home life.
I wish my customers and fellow designers at Gotta Pixel well – I will miss everyone!
My products will continue to be sold here at TrixieScraps.com, in addition to GingerScraps and MyMemories, so no other changes to report on that front… it’s business as usual!
My collaborative brand with Connie, North Meets South Studios, will now be sold in Connie’s shop at Gotta Pixel. We will continue to sell our North Meets South line at TrixieScraps.com, Ginger Scraps, MyMemories and in Connie’s personal store, as well.
That’s about it for me tonight… I am working on some new goodies and can’t wait to show them to you soon! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! — xoxo, Trixie

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Ginger Scraps