Today’s sentiment is ENCOURAGE.
en·cour·age [enˈkərij]
There are many people in our own lives we try to encourage to do their best. We seem to encourage ourselves as well, or at least I have to. I love encouraging posters and have them all over in my house.
A little further from home are the Olympic Winter Games. In 2010 I was living in Whistler, Canada. The place where, along with Vancouver, the Winter Olympics were taking place. The sports that needed snow and mountains, were held in Whistler. I loved walking around in the village with all these tourist and athletes walking around as well. Everything that was going on, was about the Olympic and that was amazing. So ever since I am in love with the Olympics.
And I am in love with the Paralympics as well! I hate the fact that there is hardly any attention to the Paralympics, while what they do is just as impressive! I know I can’t probably do anything like that!! And that’s exactly my inspiration for the chosen sentiment and my layout today!
Who do you encourage on a daily basis?
Who do you think can use a little encouragement?
Do you encourage yourself enough to make you go further and further?
I’d love to see your layouts!
~ Berniek
For the layout I created, I used the Triumphant collection.
Punctured holes not in included in this collection.

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Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps