My Anniversary Celebration marches on! Last night we had a super fun speed scrap on my Facebook page… if you check the page, you will still find the steps and can join in by posting your layout before 11pm EST tonight!
That said, are you excited to find out what today’s Daily Deal is? Feast your eyes on my “Winter Carolers” kit… just $1 through the end of tonight! I chose it as one of my favorites for a couple reasons… first, I honestly LOVE making Christmas kits. I could probably do at least half a dozen of them a year without getting bored. But, the reason I love this kit, specifically, is because of the pretty, alternative Christmas palette and the great mix of textures you’ll find inside it… it has everything from glitter and sparkle to worn wood and lace! It is one of the kits I am most proud of, so I hope you’ll snag it today while it’s a super bargain 🙂
Two more quick notes!! Don’t forget we have ANOTHER Speed Scrap today at 3pm EST on my Facebook Page… and also, the “Buy My Store” special is nearly exhausted, now. There is only one or two spots left in both my Trixie Scraps shop and my Gotta Pixel shop, and I expect it to be sold out before too long. Make sure you don’t miss out!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Ginger Scraps