Happy Father’s Day, loyal Trixie Scrappers! In honour of all those special dads out there this month’s Sentiment Sunday theme is RESPECT. My dad and I had a rocky relationship for many years… until I had children of my own. And then something changed in me. I started to understand his actions and see things from his perspective. I never really thought about how difficult life was for him growing up, or about the sacrifices he made to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table when I was younger. But once I started looking at it as a mature adult, everything suddenly made sense… why he was so strict, why he insisted we excel at everything we did, why he made us think about our futures and develop strong work ethics and why he made sure we knew the value of a buck. Guess what? That’s exactly how I raised MY kids. So while I don’t always agree with him, I definitely respect him. (And I’m so lucky to still have him in my life.)
My layout was created with Trixie Scraps You Matter, Defining Me (retired) and the February 2013 Template Freebie.
I’d love to see your layout reflecting respect for someone or something important in your life. Upload to the Trixie Scraps gallery https://gallery.trixiescraps.com/ so that you can be included in this month’s Show-Offs gallery… and get yourself a lovely gift from Trixie. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

All Trixie Scraps Designs products can be found in the following online stores:
Trixie Scraps Shop * My Memories * Gotta Pixel * Scrapbook Bytes * Ginger Scraps